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454 entries.
joan caliguiran joan caliguiran from UAE wrote on January 7, 2007 at 1:00 pm
all your recipes are easy to do for busy moms like me. thank you! keep on sharing your wonderful recipes!
Glenn Glenn from NSW wrote on January 6, 2007 at 1:00 pm
I stumbled onto your site whilst looking for a receipe for waffles. I have been reading and laughing out loud you should have been a comedy script writer kept up the great work
Mary Couch Mary Couch from Iowa wrote on December 31, 2006 at 1:00 pm
I enjoyed your news letter.
Ann Proffitt Ann Proffitt from Joliet, Illinois wrote on December 21, 2006 at 1:00 pm
Oz, I have put on five pounds reading your description of food you have over there. It all sounds so darn good. I know you willl all have a Merry Christmas. I will be spending the Holiday with my Tanker in Texas. Love Ann
jenny jenny from lancashire uk wrote on December 21, 2006 at 1:00 pm
i found yr site thru a link for roasting chestnuts because i bought some for exactly the same reasons as you..thanks for the tips and the smile xxxx
Eric&Prudence Mueller Eric&Prudence Mueller from Canada wrote on December 14, 2006 at 1:00 pm
As always, very enjoyable reading your letters, full of fun and laughter. Love you Mona
ursula ursula from USA wrote on December 5, 2006 at 1:00 pm
I really enjoyed the pictures of your cacti and succulents. I am an avid collector of epiphyllum. schlumbergera and rhipsalidopsis. There is a great US-website named that you may enjoy also - lots of epiphyllum pictures and a wealth on i
Sherrey McIntosh Sherrey McIntosh from Howe Texas North of Dallas wrote on November 20, 2006 at 1:00 pm
Loved your home page. MY 8 sons are my exotic plants Your life sounds very "colorful" Thanks for sharing
Beverley Hubbard Beverley Hubbard from Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia wrote on November 20, 2006 at 1:00 pm
Love this site Mona, and your campervan too..fantastic, how big is the space under your dining seating?? will I fit???oh well...worth a try for a laugh. Cheers
Kimberley Kimberley from Australia (emigrated 2 months ago from the United wrote on October 24, 2006 at 1:00 pm
I was looking for a recipe for sweet waffles and came upon your delicious recipe. We will try this over the next weekend. Thank you very much. Have a nice day.
margaret margaret from W.A wrote on October 17, 2006 at 1:00 pm
hi i am so happy to be in Australia and i love it. i am from Liberia nice sending my comment to you
Daphne Daphne from Australia wrote on October 16, 2006 at 1:00 pm
Love your epi's (all your flowers are gorgeous). I have a beautiful pink one (in flower now)that I adore. They are so beautiful aren't they?
Lelaine Lelaine from Australia wrote on June 29, 2006 at 2:00 pm
love your rock cakes
peter fraser peter fraser from melbourne australia wrote on June 17, 2006 at 2:00 pm
Great sight, wonderful recipes. One question please, are you able to tell me where to but the elctric steam boat,love having steam boat, but electric would be so much better! I've looked in china towm, richmond etc but cannot find with the traditional sha
Avelina McMahon Avelina McMahon from Bundaberg Australia wrote on June 5, 2006 at 2:00 pm
Love it - Could you please tell me where to obtain either a gas or electric steam boat. Thankyou
Glenn Glenn from Melbourne wrote on May 26, 2006 at 2:00 pm
Would love to know where I can buy a steamboat like yours! Return email above... Ta.
penny penny from nsw/australia wrote on May 20, 2006 at 2:00 pm
hi i came accross your recipe for rock cakes and they were so easy to make and taste great im only just starting to cook sweets for my family thank you for sharing your yummy rock cake recipe
Des Borg Des Borg from Australia wrote on April 27, 2006 at 2:00 pm
After roasting my parents used to serve them in a bowl and mixed into coco. They were beautiful. Do you have any other suggestions on how to serve them.
Beverley Hubbard Beverley Hubbard from Sunshine Coast....Australia wrote on April 24, 2006 at 2:00 pm
Great site Mona...keep it it.
Kien Lam Kien Lam from Melbourne / Australia wrote on April 9, 2006 at 2:00 pm
Hi there. Great website! I have a question for you. I have been ttrying to track down and electric steamboat unit but have been unsuccessful as many have moved to the gas bottle ones. Do you know where I can get an electric one. I live in melb. Regards